We are pleased to report that we continued to have showing success at the Dorset County Show. Our Stock Ram, 6 Tooth Ewe, Ewe Lamb and our group of three all won their classes against strong opposition. We won the Meadow Hay class for the second time in three years against some big names! But most impressive was our only coloured ewe ‘Evie’ who got overall show champion for her fleece in the fleece competition, judged by a member of the British Wool Marketing Board.

Back on the farm all the ewes have had their annual MOT before they go to the rams in a couple of weeks, we are really pleased with their condition, and hopefully it bodes well for a successful lambing next year.
If you want some more bedtime reading this month there are a couple of photographs of our Dorset Downs in the Practical Sheep, Goats and Alpaca magazine Autumn Edition that is on sale now.
If you want some fresh lamb we are taking orders now for the regular batches that will be available over the coming months.